My Trip Up North

Hi my name is Kaia and i'm going to tell you about my trip up north. When I woke up at home I doubbled checked that I had all my of my stuff in my suite case then mum took me and my brother to christchurch airport it took 3 hours to get to the airport then I at 11.20 we had to start boarding the plane I said good bye to my mum. Then we went on the plane it took 1 hour and 20 minutes to get to auckland and about 10 minutes before we landed there were two little girls that started to hand you the lollies then we landed. Then we were meet by my nana and grandad and then once we got our bags we took there car and headed to the hotel. Once we had put all of our suite cases in the motel went to the mall and I brought meatel handcuffs and a police hat and gun. The next day we went to
kelly taltions TO BE CONTIUED...
