Chromebook V Books Debate 1 Reflection

Monday was a stressful day reason being is the school captains including me was away on a leadership camp and we were gone for the last two days of the week then Monday came and we thought that we weren't ready because we have been away I still had to finish my opening statement I only had about 1.30 minutes and it had to be around 2 and a half minutes and I hadn’t even started my closing statement but luckily the teacher gave us the whole morning block to finish and I managed to finish it. The debate, in general, was good I had Tess, Sophie and Eloise my team was awesome Tess had definitely won the crossfire at Daniel (Scream Off)  Sophie had a good Rebuttal and Eloise had a good Argument Statement. We must have been good at what we were doing because we WON!!!


  1. What a ride aye? The debates will get better and better too. Great to see you reflecting on your team's performance. Although it feels quite lonely standing up there, if you have a supportive team it can make the experience so much better. Well done Kaia.


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