What A Fizzy Week

This week has been a week of fizz we have had 3 guest visit, Steve Gurney.
Steve Gurney was a pretty awesome guy he was the guy that won the Coast
To coast 9 times in a row. The funny thing was that he told us was that he had
Always came last in the school cross country every single time and that his mother
Said well Steve I don’t think you should be an athlete when you grow up and then
Steve became a National athlete icon. He also told us about his near-death experiences
Like when he got hit by a train and his car got totally recked and he said that he wasn’t looking
Where he was going then BAM he got hit by the train. Cool guy and inspiring. He also brought a guy
Called Richard I think his name was and he was Steve Gurney's personal trainer and he seemed what he
Was talking about he talked to us about how to pace ourselves on the Four Jay’s run.

The next person who came was a guy called Andrew Hornblow and he was a
a guy who came and taught us about electronics and we got to play with these
boards that kind of looked like a mother board my favourite bit made a
robot and we had to get it to the other side of the table and if you did you won most
of them went around and around on the spot it took about 40 minutes for everyone
to get it going straight.

